Post graduate studies!

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Today I'm going to talk about something very interesting related to my future as a professional person. I'm talking about post-graduate studies 😏. Post-graduate studies are very trendy these days, specially in young people. For me studies are an essential part of my life, isn't just because of work the day of tomorrow, is something about having an independent mind, being someone who has the power of decision in an other level. I don't want to be tricked in the future because lack of knowledge. In this way, continuing my studies after finish Public Administration is something that capture my attention. I was searching the post grades related to my career, and I think that I would like to do the master's degree of Government and Public Management.

So yeah, eventhough I consider that Public Administration isn't my career of life, I think that it would be an excellent oportunity to me to continue the studies on this area. It would probably a big oportunity to top up my skills and also because it touch areas of knowledge that are interesting for me, like public policies and public management (subjects that would be important to improve). At this moment this master's degree take place in my current house of studies the Universidad de Chile. I don't know if I could study abroad, even it sounds fantastic... 😍 but it requires so much commitement and also money, so... Another thing that I have no clarity is the regime of studies, I think that I would like to have a part-time studies to deal with work too.

Resultado de imagen para universidad de chile

On the other hand, I've been saiying many times that I would like to study another career in the future apart of Public Administration, and that is Commercial Engineering. So, I still don't know if would be a good choice to get fully into Public Administration and do a master's degree related to it. But what I'm sure is that I want to do a master's degree, I want to continue my studies to improve my skills as a professional person and also to commit with myself to being better in what I want to do in future.

Resultado de imagen para gif that's all


  1. i like the master of government and public management too!

  2. i have been told that the master's degree in public policies is very good

  3. What is your professional career? I also want to take that post graduate


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