Changes to the study program (Public Administration)

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First of all, a big problem that exist today is that exists teachers that use the academic freedom in order to make the feedback of students an impossible way to follow. That's because... well I don't know why they do! but they just don't know how to teach, and maybe that's because a lot of teacher in the university aren't pedagogical, they don't know how to make the student experience a gratifying learning. Besides of this, there are teachers that like to complex everything, the evaluations (tests, informs, essays) and also the contents that some students have to learn. 

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In the other hand, the academical structure isn't very related to a good feedback experience, and I think this because there are a lot of contents that every teacher teaches in a different way, so the consecuence is that each one of us know the contents in a different way, with different information sources and different authors. Another thing that isn't very good related to the structure is that the use of technology it's still lacking we just have a one computer lab and it's impossible to do so much things that requires internet or pc programs. 

So yes... the study program of Public Administration in the Universidad de Chile, maybe it's good on the theory but in the practice... well you already know :)

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