Best holidays ever?

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Well, today I'm going to talk about a holidays that I had when I was a little bit younger. These happened in 2009 when I was just 10 years. As you figured out I put an interrogation sign on the tittle and that is because I don't really know If I ever had "a best holidays", but I remember these because in that moment of my life I still had innocence for family trips. I have to make something clear, and that is that my childhood wasn't the best, my parents always had problems each other and that in some point ruined some things in my life like having a good vacations. 

So yeah.. getting this little parentesis straight, I'm going to describe this trip that I had. It was in the ninth region of Araucania, a beautiful trip in Villarica-Pucón. We visited a friend's family house in Temuco and then we visited the Villarica lake. If I'm sincere, it had a beautiful landscape (at least what I remember). I think that we stayed about a month there, that thanks to we could stayed in the friend's family house.

Resultado de imagen para villarrica lagoI remember that I was really happy then, I went with my parents and there we shared time with the family of my friend's mother. She is very charismatic and sweet, in that time she had a little son which I spent time playing with. In Villarica we went to the lake coast to spent time laying in the sand and also swimming together inside the lake (I remember that the earth inside the lake was very slippery).
Resultado de imagen para bote puconIn Pucón we went in a boat inside the lake with my mother and a guide, we took so much photos then and it was very relaxing (but also a little scared) I remember that the guide told us that the whole lake was a great volcano once (I don't know if that was to make us scared or what). Then we walked through the town, we saw some little shops and some handicrafts (they were very picturesque, eh).
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Finally, I don't know if I was "that" happy till now since the years, so I think for that reason maybe these vacations are special to me. But, as I said, I don't really know if they were "the best" I just guess that, because of the family problems, I lost so much time in my life that I could have enjoyed more. 💗

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  1. for sure they were nice holidays<3 the south its beautiful

  2. I do not know Villarica or Pucon but I would love

  3. Oh, it is so lovely<3 you can have more magic holidays now!!!


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