The holidays!

So.. today it's turn for the holidays topic, well what can I say? As I see it I haven't had holidays for a while. So probably this year will be the same plan . But, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to do some things. In fact, I would like to travel for some places here in Chile, places that I really like to see. 

Resultado de imagen para desierto de atacama
Atacama Desert
I've never been in the north, and in my opinion, I think that the northern Chile has some "magic". I have no doubt that places like Fary Jorge forest in Coquimbo Region or the Atacama desert in Antofagasta are amazing! I agree with all the positives opinions about the beauty of this places and I would like to visit them at least in a mid-term.
Resultado de imagen para parque fray jorge
Fray Jorge forest
I agree entirely with the idea that travelling is good to open our mind, it's something related to growing up as a person, and why not travelling for our country? Chile has amazing views and so many beautiful places. The north calls me some time ago, since I know that has magical panoramas like the starry nights in Atacama.

It would be amazing to take some tours in the desert or walking through the path in the Fray Jorge forest! :) I don't reallty know if I would like to do a trip like this woth someone, probabbly I would like to be alone, as I said, I think that trips like this are about to knowing oneself, but, obviously I don't discard the option to travel with a good friend 😉.

Starry night in Atacama Desert

The only impediment that I had having until now is the money to make this trips. It's difficul when you don't work and also with family problems, and that's quite true, but I'm optimistic, and I know that some day I will have the chance to travel to the north and finally know the nothern landscapes (💖 😍), but for now I think that I'll stay in Santiago haha.

                                     Resultado de imagen para bye gif


  1. fray jorge forest is a very nice placeee!

  2. Brandon is very beautifull Pikachu!! *0* , we are going to see the movie? jaja

  3. I stay in Coquimbo in the past and I did not know about the fray jorge forest :O i NEED TO COME BACK


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