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English Language Challenges

Well so this is the real last blog this semester. What can I say about this? well first of all, I think that the english classes have been very rewarding, I've learned so much things related to the pronunciation and also vocabulary, but of course there were many challenges that I'll expose on the following lines. In addition to the above, I'll start with vocabulary. Having classes of english in University was a very good experience to beef up so many words that I kept a little bit forgotten, so yeah.. here in classes I reinforced this but also I've learned so many new words that were very helpful to understand social topics and also in case for travelling. The second that had a great feedback to me, was the english pronunciation. Thanks to the different teachers that I had, I was able to improve my spoken english.  Respect to staff that I think that I have to improve... well, getting a better pronunciation had always a priority for me, so this I th

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Hey, everybody!